Full-Arch Rehabilitation FAQ in Aurora, CO

Our periodontists and team offer FAQs for full-arch rehabilitation for your convenience, so that you can feel more prepared for your treatment at Periodontal Associates. We encourage you to schedule an in-depth consultation with Dr. Douglas Heller or Dr. Eric Beckman to discuss more specific questions and create a treatment plan. Call 303-755-4500 to schedule your full-arch rehabilitation in Aurora, Colorado. 

What is Full-Arch Rehabilitation?

Full-arch rehabilitation is a comprehensive dental treatment aimed at rebuilding and restoring all the teeth in one or both dental arches. This advanced procedure may involve a combination of dental implants, crowns, bridges and other restorative techniques to achieve optimal oral function and aesthetics.

Who is a Candidate for Full-Arch Rehabilitation?

Individuals with significant tooth loss, extensive dental damage or those seeking a comprehensive solution to multiple oral health issues are typically candidates for full-arch rehabilitation. A thorough assessment by our qualified periodontists is crucial to determine candidacy.

What Are the Benefits of Full-Arch Rehabilitation?

Full-arch rehabilitation offers numerous benefits, including improved chewing function, enhanced aesthetics and increased confidence. Beyond cosmetic improvements, the procedure can address underlying oral health issues, preventing further dental problems in the future.

How Long Does the Full-Arch Rehabilitation Process Take?

The duration of full-arch rehabilitation varies based on individual cases. The process involves multiple stages, including planning, implant placement, healing and final restoration. On average, the entire treatment may take several months to complete.

Is Full-Arch Rehabilitation Painful?

Patient comfort is a priority during full-arch rehabilitation. Local anesthesia is typically used to minimize discomfort during procedures. Post-operative care and pain management strategies are also employed to ensure a smooth recovery.

How Long Do Full-Arch Rehabilitation Results Last?

With proper care and maintenance, the results of full-arch rehabilitation can last a lifetime. Regular dental checkups, good oral hygiene practices and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the longevity of the restored dental arch.

Are There Alternative Options to Full-Arch Rehabilitation?

Depending on individual needs, alternative options such as partial dentures or traditional bridges may be considered. However, full-arch rehabilitation is often regarded as the most comprehensive and long-lasting solution for extensive dental issues.


Full-arch rehabilitation in Aurora, Colorado, is a transformative dental procedure that can significantly improve oral health and overall quality of life. Understanding these key aspects empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their dental care. For personalized guidance tailored to specific needs, we invite you to schedule a visit.